Friday, November 29, 2019

Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden Essay Example

Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden Essay Voorwoord Als groep zijn we nu Sinds begin september bezig met het WMO undertaking. Het deelproject â€Å"De Doelgroep† neemt nu de laatste 3 weken in beslag. De projectgroep bestaat uit Gertjan Olderburger, Sieger Oost, Wilma Bos, Rene Stel, Richard Mugischa, Lian Reinds, Nienke Geertsma A ; Kaspar Gerritsen. Het resonance wordt door alle acht leden gezamenlijk gemaakt. Iedere woensdag houden we vergadering, waarna ieder projectlid zelfstandig een taak uitwerkt. Dit wordt dan in de volgende vergadering besproken en geevalueerd. Het uiteindelijke adviesrapport zal geschreven worden voor de gemeente Groningen. De opdrachtgever is de Hanzehogeschool Groningen. De Hanzehogeschool willen we hier bedanken voor de kans die ze ons bieden om ons door dot resonance Te maken, verder Te ontwikkelen. In heated bijzonder een dankwoord voor Thijs Leuveld, die ons ALSs tutor begeleidt. We will write a custom essay sample on Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Moet Nog Hernummerd Worden specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Verder willen we u ALSs lezer veel plezier wensen bij het lezen new wave het resonance. De Doelgroep Inleiding In heated kader new wave de Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning is ons door de Hanzehogeschool Groningen gevraagd een adviesnota Te schrijven voor een doelgroep dice Te maken heeft met de WMO. Wij ALSs projectgroep hebben gekozen voor de doelgroep dak- nut thuislozen. De bedoeling new wave deze adviesnota is om eventuele knelpunten voor de dak- en thuislozen Te achterhalen en een advies uit te brengen naar de gemeente Groningen voor verbetering new wave de positie van de dak- en thuislozen. Belangrijk daarin is om de verbeteringen te realiseren binnen heated kader new wave de WMO. De dak- nut thuisloze is dus het uitgaanspunt en niet de bestaande hulpverlenende instanties. In deze adviesnota zullen we als eerste de doelgroep belichten, waarbij we zoveel mogelijk gegevens verzamelen over de dak- en thuislozen in de stad Groningen. Daarna gaan we beschrijven welke problemen er zijn en waar de dak- en thuislozen behoefte aan hebben. Tot slot leggen we uit wat de WMO kan betekenen voor de dak- en thuislozen en wat op dot minute de relevante spelers zijn voor de dak- en thuislozen. De informatie hebben we verkregen bij instanties die werken met dak- nut thuislozen, zoals de politie, stichting Huis, de Open Hof en de gemeente Groningen. De adviesnota is bedoeld voor een ieder dice Te maken heeft met dak- nut thuislozen in de stad Groningen, dot kan beroepsmatig zijn of omdat work forces betrokken is met de dak- en thuislozen. Dak- nut thuislozen Definities Er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen de verschillende soorten overlast, namelijk: criminaliteit, verstoringen new wave de openbare orde en audiovisuele overlast. Hieronder volgt een uitleg new wave de verschillende vormen van overlast en worden ook andere begrippen uitgelegd, zoals het verschil tussen een dak- nut thuisloze. Criminaliteit Deze vorm is expliciet vastgelegd en strafbaar gesteld in het Wetboek new wave Strafrecht. Definitie new wave criminaliteit: Alle gedragingen dice bij de wet strafbaar zijn gesteld ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, 2009 ) Verstoringen new wave de openbare orde Hierbij gaat het vooral om het in bezit nemen van de openbare ruimte, bijvoorbeeld door samenscholingen new wave drugsverslaafden op straat, plein, portiek of in een plantsoen. Deze vorm is minder objectief, maar juridisch enigszins omschreven in de zogenoemde Algemene Plaatselijke Verordeningen ( APV s ) . Deze gedragingen zijn onder meer: op straat urineren ( wildplassen ) gebruik new wave intoxicant op straat, illegaal tippelen, schreeuwen, tieren of op andere wijze hinderlijke geluiden verwekken of zonder redelijk doel ophouden in portiek, poort of tegen een raamkozijn of drempel zitten of liggen. Audiovisuele overlast Hierbij moet worden gedacht aan thorn, hinderlijk en onaangenaam gedrag, zonder digital audiotape Er sprake is van criminaliteit of ordeverstorende gedragingen zoals omschreven in de APV ( Intraval, 2009 ) . Daklozen Dit zijn mensen zonder een Eigen huge onderkomen. In deze groep vallen drie groepen Te onderscheiden: mensen dice gebruik maken new wave de langdurende opvang, mensen die gebruikmaken new wave de kortdurende opvang en buitenslapers. ( Stichting new wave de straat, 2006 ) Vanzelfsprekend zijn deze scheidslijnen niet absoluut. Kort- nut langdurende opvang Met kortdurende opvang wordt de ( nacht ) opvang bedoeld waar een dakloze zich per nacht moet laten inschrijven. Opvang die voor een langere periode zekerheid biedt wordt langdurende opvang genoemd. Buitenslapers Dit zijn daklozen dice om verschillende redenen geen gebruik maken new wave enige vorm new wave opvang. Deze redenen kunnen bestaan uit het niet hebben new wave financiele middelen voor de opvang en het weigeren van korte opvang. Thuislozen Is de term dice gebruikt wordt voor mensen zonder of met een zeer geringe maatschappelijke positie. Er kan gedacht worden aan sociaal geA?soleerde werklozen, geraniumdrinkers maar ook mensen dice gebruik maken new wave woonbegeleiding en preparation. Dak- nut thuislozen Dit is de groep mensen die ontstaat wanneer je de daklozen en thuislozen rain trees voegt. Multigebruikers Dit zijn mensen binnen de groep dak- thuislozen dice verschillende soorten drugs en intoxicant tot zich nemen. Verwervingsactiviteiten Dit zijn de bezigheden van dak- thuisloze drugs en intoxicant gebruikers om geld bij elkaar Te sprokkelen voor Hun gebruik drugs en intoxicant gebruik zie verder het hoofdstuk probleem, alinea criminele activiteiten voor een aantal voorbeelden over verschillende wervingsactiviteiten. Gegevens De groep dak- en thuislozen bestaat in Groningen uit zon 800 mensen ( Stichting new wave de straat 2006 ) . De groep overlast veroorzakers in heated A-Kwartier bestaat uit zon 90 personen. Als er cijfers geA?nterpreteerd worden met betrekking tot overlast dient work forces zich new wave het volgende bewust Te zijn. Een melding gaat meestal niet over een incident maar over een patroon new wave overlast. Dus ook ALSs het gemeten meldingen Klein is, kan de daadwerkelijke overlast groot zijn. Aantal meldingen bij het Meldpunt Overlast en Zorg in 2008: 2905. Uit het centrum komen de meeste meldingen binnen new wave overlast. Het aantal meldingen per 100 inwoners ligt tot wel drie keer hoger ALSs andere delen new wave de stad ( 5 meldingen per 100 inwoners in 2008 ) . Met 27,1 % new wave het totaal is drugsoverlast de voornaamste soort overlast van het centrum. ( Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen, 2009 ) Demografische ontwikkelingen new wave de dak- en thuislozen in de stad Groningen. De demografische ontwikkeling new wave de dak- en thuislozen in de gemeente Groningen wordt Al jaren bijgehouden door een intensief contact Te onderhouden met de opvangvoorzieningen en met de zorginstellingen. Het aantal dak- nut thuislozen is al jaren zon 800 personen in de gemeente Groningen. In de onderstaande tabel is te zien digital audiotape Er stijging is in 2006 new wave het aantal buiten slapers in de stad Groningen naar een totaal new wave 42. Dit is veroorzaakt doordat de OGGz en VNN ( Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland ) een aantal onbekende dak- en thuislozen beter in kaart hebben gebracht. Ook kunnen we uit de tabel opmaken digital audiotape Er een stijging is van heated aantal niet-Nederlandse buiten slapers. Daarnaast is er een toename te zien new wave het aantal vrouwen. De leeftijd van de groep daklozen wordt ook iets ouder. In 2005 is er reeds een program door de gemeente Groningen gemaakt. Dit is heated program Uit de Goot. Echter volgens curate Gerhard ter Beek new wave pastoraal-diaconaal centrum de Open Hof komt new wave dot program erg weinig terecht. Volgens ter Beek heeft de gemeente naarmate de tijd verstreek zich steeds meer teruggetrokken, en minder tijd, geld en personeel in het undertaking gestoken. Ook is heated voor centrum de Open Hof erg moeizaam om hierover in gesprek Tes komen met de gemeente Groningen. Volgens het in 2005 opgestelde actieplan Uit de Goot zou Er in het jaar 2006 niemand meer buiten slapen, dot program is vervolgens uitgesteld naar het jaar 2008. Echter uit de bovenstaande Tabel 3 blijkt digital audiotape ook in 2008 Er nog steeds dak- en thuislozen zijn dice geen plek hebben om binnen Te slapen. Verder valt Er over de twisten of de doelgroep zelf, de dak- en thuislozen wel een plek om Te slapen willen hebben, of digital audiotape ze niet liever buiten zijn. Dit is te verklaren door heated feit digital audiotape in 2006 de openingstijden van de Open Hof zijn uitgebreid, terwijl het aantal bezoekers is afgenomen. Het aantal allochtone bezoekers is genuine wel gestegen. In 2008 zijn de openingstijden weer enigszins afgenomen. Bron: Site voor en new wave dakloze mensen in de stad Groningen. Bezoekersbeleid Open Hof 2008 Gezien De bezoekcijfers van het jaar 2008 is er redelijke stabiliteit ten opzichte new wave de laatste jaren. Het aantal bezoeken ligt rond de 20.000. In 2008 is heated 19.583, in 2007 was het 20.040 dus het is enigszins verminderd. De reden voor deze vermindering is dat de Open Hof in 2008 iets minder unfastened is dan in 2007, maar relatief gezien zijn er per uur meer bezoekers dan de voorgaande jaren. December was ook in 2008 de drukste maand, vanwege de weersomstandigheden. Maandag is de drukste dekagram, zaterdag de rustigste. Bron: Jaarverslag 2008. Gezien de vele plannen van de gemeente Groningen is er toch Te zien uit meerdere bronnen digital audiotape het aantal dak- nut thuislozen digital audiotape gebruik maakt new wave opvang hetzelfde blijft, waardoor Er ook valt te concluderen digital audiotape Er een groep is die geen gebruik wil/kan maken van de geboden voorzieningen. De reden hiervoor kan zijn digital audiotape Er een groep daklozen is die geen onderdak wil, maar dice dot leven ambieren. Hierdoor zal er altijd een gedeelte blijven digital audiotapes buiten zal slapen. Er zijn veel verschillende groepen dhak en thuislozen is te lezen op Onder de dak- en thuislozen bevinden zich o.a. drugsverslaafden, prostituees, illegalen, zwervers en mensen dice een psychisch probleem hebben. De leeftijd is enorm frogmans, new wave tieners tot bejaarden.. Het is genuine wel opvallend digital audiotape het overgrote deel new wave de dak- en thuislozen new wave het mannelijke geslacht zijn. Slechts 15 % new wave de dak- en thuislozen zijn vrouw, waarvan de meesten werkzaam zijn ALSs prostituee, vaak in combinatie met een drugsverslaving. Verder valt op digital audiotape Er een steeds meer allochtone dak- nut thuislozen komen. Door het feit dat ze de taal niet spreken, en zich niet goed hebben kunnen aanpassen in Nederland is heated mogelijk digital audiotape ze op straat komen te staan, waarna ze zich in heated zwervers circuit vestigen. Ook komt heated door het feit digital audiotape er Allochtone mensen zijn die terug moeten naar Hun Eigen land, waarna ze zich ALSs illegaal op straat gaan vestigen. Probleem Na een gesprek Te hebben gehad met dhr. B. Aanen van de politie Groningen ( coordinator overlast centrum en A-kwartier ) , zijn we tot de conclusie gekomen dat er behoefte is voor de dak- en thuislozen om activiteiten Te doen, waarbij ze iets voor de maatschappij kunnen betekenen. Deze activiteiten zouden onder andere kunnen bestaan uit het klusjes doen voor mensen dice gebruik willen maken new wave deze hulp. Vanuit de gemeente Groningen is er behoefte om de overlast dice deze doelgroep in de omgeving veroorzaakt Te beperken. Het Groningse college new wave B A ; W wil heated aantal dak- en thuislozen de komende jaren op achthonderd houden. Dat is heated niveau van 2006. Een stevige opgave, stelt heated college new wave B A ; W, gezien de verwachte toename van dak- nut thuislozen.B A ; W gaan daarom excess investeren in preventie nut nazorg. Het college wil dak- nut thuislozen zo snel mogelijk weer een thuis bieden, zo nodig met een persoonlijk program. ( Gemeente Groningen ) . In heated gesprek met dhr. B. Aanen van de politie Groningen ( coordinator overlast centrum en A-kwartier ) , is naar voren gekomen dat de gemeente Groningen een aanhoudende stroom klachten binnen krijgt, met betrekking tot de overlast die dak- nut thuislozen veroorzaken. De gemeente Groningen wil digital audiotape de overlast die veroorzaakt wordt door de dak- en thuislozen wordt terug gedrongen, hierdoor hebben de mensen een rustiger leven en hebben ze een veiliger gevoel. Oorzaak van de deze overlast zou kunnen liggen in het feit digital audiotape deze mensen geen reguliere tijdsinvulling hebben en merendeels buiten de maatschappij staan. De overlast van Dak- en thuisloze drugsgebruikers is verschillend. Overdag is heated relatief rustig en zo is er s nachts het meeste overlast in heated A-kwartier. De reden hiervoor is dat dot tijdstip en de plaats de beschutting geeft voor de criminele activiteiten. Het is donker, er zijn andere mensen op straat waardoor de groep minder opvalt en Hun activiteiten zonder veel commotie kunnen voortzetten. De overlast is ALSs volgt ingedeeld in 3 groepen: Audiovisueel De overlast dice de groep veroorzaakt bestaat voornamelijk uit lawaai. Dit wordt om verschillende redenen veroorzaakt. Zo zijn Er groeperingen dice elkaar new wave een ruime afstand begroeten, zoals de Antillianen. Deze groeperingen hebben de neiging elkaar new wave honderden metres afstand te begroeten. Ook rijden traders met Hun luidruchtige car s de hele nacht af en aan waarbij zij met hun portierramen geopend hun zeer luid staande muziek de openbare ruimte in slingeren. Verder produceren ruzies die ontstaan tijdens en/of rondom criminaliteit en drugs gebruik veel geluidsoverlast. Openbare orde verstoringen De groep dak- en thuislozen overtreed zonder uitzondering de Algemene Plaatselijke Verordeningen ( APV ) van de gemeente Groningen. Veel voorkomend overtredingen zijn: ( overmatig ) alcoholgebruik, actief bedelen, heated zonder reden ophouden in een portiek, wildplassen, heated dragen new wave messen en andere verboden voorwerpen, zoals wapens en dieven gereedschap. Criminele activiteiten Vermogensdelicten komen veel voor. De meest voorkomende delicten zijn: oplichting, smokkel, zakkenrollen en heling. De meeste new wave deze delicten zijn in heated kader new wave verwervingsactiviteiten. Geweldsdelicten worden ook gepleegd, maar minder. Hierbij gaat het om geweld naar elkaar, ( winkel ) diefstal, maar ook om bijvoorbeeld twee overvallen met een Maines dit jaar. Behoeften en voorzieningen Welzijnsbehoeften Welke welzijnsbehoeften heeft een dak- nut thuisloze? Dat is de vraag dice in dot deel new wave â€Å"De doelgroep† centraal staat. Om te kunnen kijken naar de ( welzijns ) behoeften van de dak- nut thuisloze, kijkt de projectgroep eerst naar die van de mens in het algemeen, om dot vervolgens te vertalen naar de dak- en thuisloze. Abraham H. Maslow ( Brooklyn, 1 April 1908 Californie , 8 juni 1970 ) een klinische psycholoog zette deze basisbehoeften in een bepaalde volgorde en creeerde hiermee de piramide van Maslow. Zijn idee achter de piramide is, dat je eerst voldoet aan de basisbehoefte voordat je hoger op de piramide kan komen. Maslow stelde dat moose levend wezen dezelfde behoeftes nastreeft. Wanneer aan een behoefte voldaan is schuift het individu op naar een hogere plaats op de piramide. Wanneer een trap ontbreekt of wegvalt, zal het individu opnieuw aan deze behoefte moeten voldoen alvorens terug te kunnen stijgen. Het is niet mogelijk om bepaalde niveaus over te slaan. ( Over Abraham H. Maslow, 2009 ) Uit onderzoek door heated Trimbos-instituut in 2005, wat gehouden is onder 110 dak- nut thuislozen in Leiden, zeggen dak- nut thuisloze mensen zelf, digital audiotape zij behoefte hebben aan hulp bij huisvesting ( 65 % ) , financien ( 47 % ) , gebitsproblemen ( 36 % ) , heated vinden new wave werk ( 33 % ) en lichamelijke gezondheid ( 23 % ) . ( RIVM, 2009 ) Misschien kunnen we met een kleine steekproef nog onderzoeken of deze cijfers nog relevant zijn voor de dak- en thuislozen in Groningen. De lichamelijke behoeften volgens de piramide van Maslow zijn: voedsel, drinken nut ontlasting. Maslow verstaat onder lichamelijke behoeften ook seks, evenals andere lichamelijke zaken zoals sport en comfort. Dak- en thuislozen hebben behoefte aan gezondheidszorg, zowel psychische ALSs lichamelijke zorg. Volgens Stichting Ontmoeting heeft 80 % new wave de dak- en thuislozen in Nederland, psychische problemen waarvan een behoorlijke deel een persoonlijkheidsstoornis ( zoals bijvoorbeeld schizofrenie ) . Daarnaast is er een groep new wave ongeveer 80 % dice een verslavingsachtergrond ( intoxicant, drugs of gokken ) heeft. De mens heeft volgens Maslow behoefte aan een zekere mate new wave veiligheid en zekerheid, het individu gaat beveiliging zoeken in een georganiseerde kleine of grote groep. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld de buurt, heated gezin of het bedrijf zijn. Typische voorbeelden zijn: huisvesting, werk en relaties. Dak- en thuislozen hebben een donging gemeen: ze lijden aan thuisloosheid. Dak- en thuislozen zijn op straat terechtgekomen door uiteenlopende redenen. Deze redenen kunnen zijn: werkloosheid, geen sociale uitkering hebben, huisuitzettingen door wooncorporaties, alcoholisme, illegalen zonder verblijfsvergunning, verslaving aan drugs of een psychische ziekte. Dak- en thuislozen hebben in eerste instantie onderdak nodig waar ze onder andere kunnen douchen en slapen. In de gemeente Groningen zijn er diverse voorzieningen voor de opvang van dak-en thuislozen, deze voorzieningen worden vermeld in ‘De Sociale Kaart . Naast wonen hebben dak- nut thuislozen behoefte aan hulp bij Hun financien, blijkt uit het onderzoek new wave het Trimbos-instituut. Hierbij kan heated gaan om schuldsanering, hulp bij het beheren new wave Hun financien of hulp bij het aanvragen new wave een bijstand uitkering. Door middel van de financiele hulp kunnen dak- en thuislozen zichzelf voorzien van eten, drinken, kleding en medicatie. Dak- nut thuislozen hebben ook activiteiten nodig, in de vorm new wave scholing, werk of dagbesteding, anders gaan ze weer de straat op. Traumatische ervaringen kunnen dusdanige invloed hebben digital audiotape iemand in het daklozencircuit terecht is gekomen. Om deze ervaringen Te kunnen verwerken is een veilige omgeving nodig. Het vertrouwen in de maatschappij moet weer worden hersteld. ( Stichting Ontmoeting, 2009 ) . Ieder individu heeft volgens Maslow behoefte aan sociaal contact, behoefte aan vriendschap, liefde en positief sociale relaties. Dak- en thuislozen hebben niet of in mindere mate het vermogen om contact Te leggen met andere mensen, ze hebben het vertrouwen verloren in de maatschappij. Uit onderzoek new wave het Trimbos-instituut blijkt digital audiotape dak- en thuislozen aangeven geen behoefte Te hebben aan een sociaal netwerk. Dit zou kunnen komen doordat het hoger op de piramide van Maslow staat. Door allerlei oorzaken hebben dak- nut thuislozen geen vertrouwen meer in de medemens. Ieder mens heeft een veilige omgeving nodig om zich Te kunnen ontwikkelen tot een sociaal, zelfstandig functionerend persoon. Dak- en thuislozen hebben contact met de omgeving ( familie, vrienden, , ) , de instanties ( hulpverlening, sociale dienst, ) , en de lotgenoten die Als in de maatschappij teruggekeerd zijn, nodig. Uit de praktijk blijkt digital audiotape dak- en thuislozen, naast professionele hulpverlening, behoefte hebben aan iemand dice een contact aangaat met ALSs doel er Te zijn voor de ander, een maatje. Dit schept zelfvertrouwen en stimuleert tot heated nemen van Eigen initiatieven. Men krijgt het gevoel weer mee Te tellen in de maatschappij. ( Provincie Utrecht, 2009 ) Ieder individu heeft behoefte aan waardering en erkenning, die de competentie en het aanzien in groepsverband verhogen ; het belang hechten aan de position in sociaal verband. Ook is er behoefte aan zelfontplooiing of zelfactualisatie, de behoefte om zijn persoonlijkheid en zijn mentale groeimogelijkheden Te ontwikkelen. Voordat een dak- nut thuisloze, dus kan werken aan zijn zelfontplooiing is heated dus new wave belang digital audiotape alle onderliggende stappen new wave de piramide doorlopen zijn en daar peg steeds aan voldaan wordt. Uit gespreken gevoerd door de Stichting Klaverblad Zeeland met clienten en bezoekers new wave dekagram activiteiten centra, beschermde en begeleide woonvormen, verslavingszorg en de dak- en thuislozenopvang, blijkt digital audiotape ze zich het meest geholpen voelen met goede ondersteuning om uit het leven ALSs dak- of thuisloze Te komen. Het weer wennen aan verantwoordelijkheden, verplichtingen en verwachtingen is een noodzakelijk voortraject, alvorens de draad van gewoon leven en werken weer op Te pakken. Hierbij wordt bedoeld, het meer stimuleren tot deelname aan ( sociale ) activeringstrajecten. Mensen komen in een ander ritme en kunnen wennen aan een regelmatig bestaan. Nuttig zijn vergroot ook het zelfvertrouwen. ( Stichting Klaverblad Zeeland, 2009 ) Wat is nodig om in die behoefte Te voorzien Het doel new wave het schrijven van de adviesnota, is heated vergroten en ondersteunen van de zelfredzaamheid, de maatschappelijke participatie en het zelfstandig functioneren van de doelgroep, dak- nut thuislozen. Om aan deze behoefte voor deze voorziening te voldoen, zijn samenwerkingsverbanden noodzakelijk, samenwerkingsverbanden tussen bijvoorbeeld: gemeente, politie, WMO Groningen, inloophuizen, buurthuizen en instellingen voor intoxicant en drugsverslaving. Een vertrouwensrelatie tussen bestuurders, professionals, bewoners en dak- nut thuislozen is een harde voorwaarde voor het slagen new wave een undertaking. ( Werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Kees Penninx, Cecil Scholten en anderen, 2005 ) . Indien er een bewonersraad is van de instelling van dak- nut thuislozen, is daar dan een ook een vertegenwoordiger new wave in de officiele bewonersraad van de wijk. Het inventariseren new wave contactpersonen zal dus belangrijk zijn om ook informatie uit de doelgroep zelf te krijgen. Indien alle betrokken partijen gebruikmaken new wave het 8-fasenmodel new wave het NIZW, kunnen instellingen de individuele begeleiding in de maatschappelijke opvang ( beter ) organiseren. Het is een methode om gestructureerd nut in samenwerking met clienten Te werken aan haalbare begeleidingsdoelen. Het geeft medewerkers en clienten een houvast om gericht activiteiten te doen. Daarbij kan heated gaan om het werken aan meer zelfredzaamheid new wave de client, maar ook om het behouden new wave de hoogst haalbare vorm new wave prettig en bescherm wonen ( 8-fasenmodel NIZW ) . Er dient dus intensieve communicatie Te zijn tussen de diverse instanties en de vertegenwoordigers van de doelgroep. Ook het potentieel van de doelgroep zelf moeten we inzetten om het undertaking hetgeen inhoud het vergroten en ondersteunen van de zelfredzaamheid, de maatschappelijke participatie en het zelfstandig functioneren van de doelgroep, dak- en thuislozen Te doen slagen. Uit Plan van aanpak Regionaal Kompas Groningen blijkt digital audiotape Er een goede samenwerking is tussen de verschillende voorzieningen. Zelfs zodanig digital audiotape ze Er in slagen om tachtig procent new wave de mensen die dak- of thuisloos raken weer een thuis geboden kan worden. Al dan niet met begeleiding. OGGz, openbare geestelijke gezondheidszorg Groningen, is een samenwerkingsverband tussen geestelijke gezondheidszorg ( Lentis ) , maatschappelijke en juridische hulpverlening ( MJD ) , GGD Groningen en verslavingszorg noord Nederland ( VNN ) . Dit samenwerkingsverband heeft zich ALSs doel gesteld om langdurig zorgafhankelijke mensen met een vaak meervoudige problematiek Te helpen, zoals de groep dak- nut thuislozen. De OGGz is destijds overgeheveld new wave de AWBZ naar de WMO. Zij hebben een beleidsnota op gesteld â€Å"Uit de goot† . Hieruit blijkt digital audiotape Er reeds veel werk is verzet en digital audiotape de problematiek rond de dak- en thuislozen een complex erkend gegeven is. De samenwerking binnen de OGGz heeft tot mooie resultaten geleid. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn digital audiotape de opvang voorzieningen voor dak- nut thuislozen beter op elkaar aansluiten. Ook de dagbesteding is een goed georganiseerd geheel. Het mooiste voorbeeld is wellicht het feit digital a udiotape een aantal overlegvormen rondom overlast zijn opgeheven, simpelweg vanwege het feit digital audiotape ze een gebrek hadden aan docket punten. De Groninger aanpak trekt landelijke belangstelling. Delegaties van heated Ministerie new wave Justitie nut andere delegaties bezoeken heated Groningerland om met eigen ogen de werkwijze van de OGGz Te bestuderen. Signalering is een belangrijk gegeven in een eerste kennismaking met een eventueel toekomstige dak- of thuisloze. Huiseigenaren, hulpverleners en politie spelen daarin een belangrijke rol. Een huisbaas kan aangeven, o.a. bij de OGGz, wanneer uitzetting, vanwege wanbetaling, dreigt. Is uitzetting een feit, dan is er voor sommigen de mogelijkheid tot herhuisvesting bij â€Å"Woonkans† . Woonkans betreft een samenlevingsverband tussen de diverse wooncorporaties, Maatschappelijk en juridische dienstverlening ( MJD ) en Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland ( VNN ) . Een medewerker new wave Woonkans legt contact tussen de â€Å"uitgezette† persoon nut een hulpverlener new wave en new wave bovengenoemde instanties. Er zijn dus wel voorwaarden verbonden aan deze vorm new wave herhuisvesting. Ook de MJD heeft een signalerende functie en kan door de samenwerking binnen de OGGz een preventieve taak uitvoeren. Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland draagt zorg voor de begeleiding en behandeling new wave de verslaafde dak- nut thuisloze. Zij doet dot via de opvanginstellingen. VNN werkt ALSs onderdeel van de OGGz nauw rain trees met de psychiatrische zorginstelling Lentis. Lentis draagt zorg voor de psychiatrische hulpverlening aan dak- nut thuislozen in de opvangvoorzieningen. Daarnaast heeft zij een adviserende taak 10 behoeve new wave de medewerkers in de opvangvoorzieningen. Uit bovenstaande kunnen we concluderen dat Er een nauwe samenwerking is tussen de verschillende subjects. Er zijn verschillende samenwerkingsverbanden met elkaar aangegaan en deze overlegstructuren hebben onderling ook de nodige contact momenten. Om tot een goed eindproduct Te komen moeten we in contact komen met de probleem veroorzakende dak- en thuislozen en de buurtbewoners die de dak- en thuislozen ALSs een probleem ervaren. De projectgroep zal een instelling moeten vinden dice een vinger aan de pols houdt voor wat betreft het verdere verloop new wave het undertaking en eventueel voorkomende problemen, waarbij de hulpverlening gericht moet zijn op een persoonlijke aanpak van dak- nut thuislozen, om hem of haar terug Te integreren in de maatschappij. Een wisselwerking tussen de betrokken instelling, dak- en thuislozen en buurtbewoners zou een mooi resultaat new wave het undertaking zijn. Uit tabel 1 valt Te concluderen digital audiotape de kortdurende opvang de meeste populariteit geniet onder de dak- en thuislozen. Het totaal aan dak- nut thuislozen wat gebruikt maakt new wave de maatschappelijke opvang is genuine niet zoals vermeld in de tabel 790, maar slechts 572. Met 800 dak- nut thuislozen is heated dus de vraag of er geconcludeerd kan worden digital audiotape Er een tekort aan maatschappelijke opvang plaatsen is. Een andere vraag die opkomt, of de opvang mogelijkheden bij alle dak- en thuislozen bekent is en/of zij daar wel of niet bewust gebruik new wave maken. Tabel 2 laat ons zien dat Er een afname is van heated aantal meldingen new wave overlast, met uitzondering new wave de meldingen aangaande dierenoverlast en verwaarlozing. De rol van de WMO en de relevante spelers Rol new wave de WMO en de relevante spelers WMO is de Wet Maatschappelijk Ondersteuning. WMO draagt ertoe bij digital audiotape alle Burgers in de samenleving kunnen participeren, iedereen moet in de samenleving mee kunnen doen. Dat geldt voor jonge en gezonde mensen maar ook voor Burgers met disability of beperking. WMO zorgt ervoor digital audiotape de gemeente Burgers helpt ALSs ze hulp nodig hebben. Hierbij kan heated gaan om hindernissen in en om het huis, het plaatselijk vervoer en het ontmoeten new wave andere personen. Het gaat erom digital audiotape Burgers mee kunnen doen in samenleving, ALSs het niet lukt zonder hulp, dan mogen Burgers de gemeente vragen om biddy Te helpen. Voor de doelgroep dak- nut thuislozen, is er sprake new wave het regelen van maatschappelijk opvang en daklozen opvang. Dak- en thuislozen moeten zelfstandig kunnen wonen in Hun Eigen huis, wijk of buurt. De ondersteuning verschilt new wave persoon tot persoon. De relevante spelers zijn ALSs vangnet voor daken thuislozen. Ze bieden een onderdak voor bepaalde periode, begeleiding en dagbesteding. Uiteindelijk is heated doel om ze Te laten re-integreren in de maatschappij. Wie zijn de relevante spelers? Er zijn diverse instanties betrokken bij de opvang en/of ondersteuning van dak- nut thuislozen in de gemeente Groningen. Daar naast is er nog de politie die vooral de problematiek signaleert en optreed. Tussen de diverse instanties zijn overleg- nut samenwerkingsverbanden. Instanties die zich bezig houden met de opvang zijn: Woonvoorziening Hiddemaheerd LIMOR ( Landelijk Instelling voor Maatschappelijk Ondersteuning en Rehabilitatie ) Stichting Huis Thuiszorg Groningen Leger diethylstilbestrols Heils Twaalfde huis Instanties die zich bezig houden met fysieke en persoonlijke verzorging en hulpverlening zijn Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland ( VNN ) Salon de Marne De Wasplaats Sociale dienst De gemeente heeft in de WMO een centrale rol want de gemeente kent haar inwoners en is in staat om in te spelen op de lokale behoeften. Door de invoering new wave de WMO moet de gemeente Groningen met heated oog ook op de zelfredzaamheid, maatschappelijke participatie en leefbaarheid van de woonomgeving het volgende regelen: regie voeren rond wonen, zorg en welzijn. bepalen wat nodig is en anderen uitnodigen de openbare aanbesteding aan Te bieden. de financiering regelen in combinatie met eigen bijdrage. het informeren, adviseren en ondersteunen ALSs taak krijgen. het verslavingsbeleid voeren. WMO vormt een impuls voor bovengenoemde welzijnsorganisaties ( instellingen voor dak- en thuislozen ) om een belangrijke speler Te worden in heated veld new wave lokale aanbieders van maatschappelijk ondersteuning. Het is aan de instellingen om de kansen te pakken en tijdig in te spelen op mogelijke bedreigingen: breng formele en informele hulpbronnen bij elkaar, organiseer contactmogelijkheden, lever een bijdrage aan een leefbare en veilige woonomgeving, lever persoonlijke diensten en combineer deze met een signalerende en ondersteunende rol ( Werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Kees Penninx, Cecil Scholten e.a. , 2005 ) Een voorbeeld hier is van: Stichting Huis voor dak- thuislozen in Groningen biedt sinds 1981 onderdak aan mensen die tijdelijk of lasting dak- thuisloos zijn. Zij doet dot door zelf of rain trees met anderen opvang- nut woonvoorzieningen Te exploiteren. Tevens wordt in toenemende mate ambulante woonbegeleiding aangeboden. Stichting Huis richt zich op een zeer brede doelgroep. Door een frogmans, laagdrempelig dienstverleningsaanbod Te creeren probeert zij eenieder een passend aanbod Te doen. De opvangvoorzieningen zijn zo georganiseerd, digital audiotape verschillende probleemgroepen opgevangen ( kunnen ) worden. Daarbij wordt niet de problematiek van de client centraal gesteld, maar zijn de nog aanwezige mogelijkheden het uitgangspunt. Acceptatie van de client staat voorop. Tevens wordt aandacht geschonken aan preventie en signalering. Door te voorzien in de onderdak- , voedings- nut verzorgingsbehoefte van rond de 150 dak- thuislozen wordt de overlast op straat voorkomen. Door ook de begeleiding naar hulpverlening ter manus Te nemen, wordt de kennis van de stichting doorgegeven aan anderen. Stichting Huis werkt nauw rain trees met gespecialiseerde hulpverleningsinstellingen en SoZaWe. Tevens bestaat Er samenhang met diverse vormen van dagbesteding nut dagopvang. Met inachtneming new wave elkaars invalshoeken en specialismen, worden op maatwerkbasis individuele thuis- nut daklozen new wave een passend aanbod voorzien. De doelstelling new wave de maatschappelijke opvang is: iedereen zijn of haar plek Te geven die hij of zij verdient en aankan. Daarbij wordt de zelfstandigheid en verantwoordelijkheid van de dak- thuisloze gestimuleerd. De draagkracht van de client bepaalt de grenzen daarvan. Zo kan voor de een gelden, digital audiotape geprobeerd wordt hem of haar weer zo snel mogelijk zelfstandig Te laten functioneren, terwijl voor de ander een woonmilieu met een permanente bescherming gezocht of georganiseerd moet worden. ( Stichtinghuis, 2009 ) De hulpverleners die ook bovengenoemde zijn hebben in de WMO een taak om de dak- en thuislozen Te stimuleren om hun kennis, vaardigheden, capaciteiten, oplossingsstrategieen, sociale contacten en andere hulpbronnen Te ontwikkelen en Hun sterkte kanten in Te zetten voor het oplossen van de eigen problemen en eventueel ook dice new wave anderen, hier is sprake new wave lotgenoten. ( Werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Kees Penninx, Cecil Scholten e.a. 2005 ) Literatuurlijst Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen ( 2009 ) Jaarverslag 2007 en 2008 Meldpunt Overlast A ; Zorg, Groningen: Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen. Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen ( 2007 ) Plek om te slapen Dak- nut thuislozenmonitor, Groningen: Bureau Onderzoek Gemeente Groningen. Gemeente Groningen ( 2008 ) Plan van aanpak regionaal Kompas gemeente Groningen 2008-2012 ambtelijk construct 7. Groningen: Gemeente Groningen. Gemeente Groningen ( 2009 ) Nota Onder Dak, Groningen: Gemeente Groningen. Gesprek met B. Aanen ( 2009 ) Politie Groningen coordinator overlast centrum en A-kwartier. Hanzehogeschool ( 2009 ) Client in perspectief, Groningen: Hanzehogeschool. hypertext transfer protocol: //, 14-09-2009. hypertext transfer protocol: //, 14-09-2009. Hulsbosch L, Nicholas S, Wolf J. ( 2005 ) Dakloos in Leiden. Onderzoek naar omvang en kenmerken van de daklozenpopulatie, Utrecht: Trimbos-instituut. Intraval ( 2009 ) Drugs gerelateerde overlast, Groningen: Intraval. Landelijk Platform GGz ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: //, Utrecht: Landelijk Platform GGz. Maatjesproject dak- nut thuislozen 2006 ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: // , Utrecht: Provincie Utrecht. NIWZ ( onbekend ) Folder 8-Fasenmodel Kennismaking met een praktische manier new wave planmatig werken in de maatschappelijke opvang, Utrecht: NIZW Over Abraham H. Maslow ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: // Penninx, K. Scholten, C. en anderen ( 2005 ) Werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning Een handreiking voor sociale professionals, Utrecht: Lemma/NIZW. Stichting Ontmoeting ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: // , Houten: Stichting Ontmoeting. Stichting Klaverblad Zeeland ( 2009 ) Brochure Gewoon Meedoen, Goes: Klaverblad Zeeland. Stichting new wave de straat/OCSW ( 2006 ) ( omega ) onderdak, Groningen: Stichting new wave de straat/ OCSW. Zorgbalans 2008 ( 2009 ) Website hypertext transfer protocol: // , Bilthoven: RIVM. werken aan maatschappelijke ondersteuning, Kees Penninx, Cecil Scholten e.a. 2005 ( 2009 )

Monday, November 25, 2019

Islands in the Stream (c1951) by Ernest Hemingway

Islands in the Stream (c1951) by Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway’s Islands in the Stream (c1951, 1970) was published posthumously and was expurgated by Hemingway’s wife.  A note in the preface states that she removed certain portions of the book which she felt certain that Hemingway would have eliminated himself (which begs the question: Why did he include them in the first place?).  That aside, the story is interesting and is much like his later works, such as (1946-61, 1986).   Originally envisioned as a trilogy of three separate novels, the work was published as a single book separated into three parts, including â€Å"Bimini,† â€Å"Cuba,† and â€Å"At Sea.†Ã‚   Each segment explores a different time period in the main character’s life and also explores different aspects of his life and emotions.  There is one connecting thread throughout the three segments, which is family.   In the first section, â€Å"Bimini,† the main character is visited by his sons and lives with a close male friend.  Their relationship is incredibly interesting, especially considering the homosocial nature of it in contrast to the homophobic comments made by some of the characters. The idea of â€Å"manly love† is certainly a main focus in part one, but this gives way in the second two segments, which are more concerned with themes of grief/recovery and war. Thomas Hudson, the main character, and his good friend, Roger, are the best developed characters in the book, particularly in part one.  Hudson continues to develop throughout and his character is interesting to witness as he struggles to grieve the loss of his loved ones.  Hudson’s sons, too, are delightful. In part two, â€Å"Cuba,† Hudson’s true love becomes a part of the story and she, too, is interesting and very similar to the woman in Garden of Eden. There is much evidence to suggest that these two posthumous works might be his most autobiographical. The minor characters, such as the bartenders, Hudson’s houseboys, and his comrades-in-arms in part three are all well-crafted and believable.   One difference between Islands in the Stream and Hemingway’s other works is in its prose. It is still raw, but not quite so sparse as usual.  His descriptions are more flushed out, even somewhat tortured at times.  There is a moment in the book where Hudson is fishing with his sons, and it is described in such detail (similar to the style in Old Man and the Sea (1952), which was originally conceived as part of this trilogy) and with such deep emotion that a relatively lackadaisical sport like fishing becomes thrilling. There is a kind of magic Hemingway works with his words, his language, and his style. Hemingway is known for his â€Å"masculine† prose – his ability to tell a story without much emotion, without much sap, without any â€Å"flowery nonsense.† This leaves him, throughout most of his chronology, rather walled-off from his works.  In Islands in the Stream, however, as with Garden of Eden, we see Hemingway exposed. There is a sensitive, deeply troubled side to this man and the fact that these books were published only posthumously speaks volumes to his relationship with them.   Islands in the Stream is a delicate exploration of love, loss, family and friendship.   It is a deeply moving tale of a man, an artist, fighting to wake up and live every day, despite his haunting sadness.   Notable Quotes: Out of all the things you could not have there were some that you could have and one of those was to know when you were happy and to enjoy all of it while it was there and it was good (99).   He thought that on the ship he could come to some terms with his sorrow, not knowing, yet, that there are no terms to be made with sorrow.   It can be cured by death and it can be blunted or anesthetized by various things. Time is supposed to cure it, too. But if it is cured by anything less than death, the chances are that it was not true sorrow (195). Theres some wonderful crazies out there. Youll like them (269).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Accident victim interview report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Accident victim interview report - Essay Example Rubinow (1969) states that, â€Å"One has only to think of the peculiar dangers which a structural iron-worker must face daily in the construction of modern skyscrapers† (p.71). The victim clarified that steel bars must be handled by skilled ironworkers. Usually, most of the construction companies make use of safety measures while handling steel bars. For instance, structural ironworkers make use of cranes to lift steel bars. To be specific, co-ordination and mutual understanding among the ironworkers reduce the scope of accidents. The victim’s co-worker pointed out that the victim was in a hurry because he was asked to complete the work within deadline. So, the victim was forced to ignore safety measures and it resulted in the accident. While hoisting a steel bar, one of the cables happened to get loose and the victim’s hand was trapped under the steel bar. The safety officers started rescue work and the victim was transported to the hospital in no time. The doc tor’s diagnosis proved that the victim’s left hand was fractured. The timely rescue measures adopted by the safety officers saved the victim from further injury. The victim was forced to discontinue his work for more than 2 months to deal with the fracture. But the injury was not so severe to keep the victim away from his job for a long time. The company authorities and the doctors provided ample importance to the victim’s treatment because the accident and related issues may weaken the company’s reputation. The doctors pointed out that the fracture is not that much severe and can be cured within 2 months. The victim further added that he feels much better and is expecting an early recovery. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) authorities visited the site, investigated the case, and the company was forced to pay reasonable fine. Besides, the company authorities agreed to provide

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

ERP Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ERP Systems - Essay Example Organisations seek ERP systems for various reasons and among them are the desires to adopt better business practices, globalisation, increase flexibility, and centralise information among others (Hallikainen 3). The software infrastructure also presents an opportunity for the business to sustain a competitive advantage in the evolving world of information technology in business. This is achieved by ensuring cooperation and integration of various departments in an organisation and is in line with information technology, a key aspect in relation to effective management (Bernroider and Koch). There are various applications offered by ERP system depending on the needs of the organisation, which include supply-chain management, human resource management, customer relationship manager and accounting applications. PeopleSoft is among the leading ERP systems designed to provide comprehensive business and industrial solutions to organisations who desire better management. PeopleSoft boasts of over a thousand features and enhancements to produce a robust solution by the use of simple yet advanced graphical user interface. The key factors to consider while selecting an ERP system include availability, reliability, system functions, and customer support services. However, there are challenges associated with the acquisition and maintenance of enterprise resource planning systems. One of the biggest problems associated with implementation of enterprise resource planning relates to company goals and objectives. Most are the times companies seek the services of ERP systems without clearly defining measurable goals and objectives at the onset of the project and as a result, end up modifying or changing them. This follows the common belief that the implementation of ERP systems is normally an enormous upgrade. This beats the very benefit ERP seeks to provide, that of efficiency and increased productivity, which has seen most projects fail. In addition, such actions contribute t he rise in costs and delays in implementation. Enterprise resource planning software does not offer much flexibility and as such (Almond). Companies may be forced to adapt according to the models presented by the implemented ERP. Such changes may require restructuring of company policies and objectives in order to embrace the new system. ERP systems are known to have many features to offer, which tend to create confusion in most companies seeking to acquire the services. This can be attributed to the wide scope at which the applications function and as such, companies may not understand where to begin with the process of acquiring ERP systems. To resolve such issues, companies seek expertise from specialist who evaluate the company needs and recommend on available software options. In addition, ERP systems are expensive to acquire and maintain. This limits its use to companies and organisations that can afford or those that are fully established to require such managerial tools. Thi s indicates that ERP systems have not fully proliferated across all levels of businesses and organisations. The cost of implementation is also high considering that the software and applications require a certain degree of compliance with regard to computer hardware, in order to reap complete benefits of the system. As such, companies are forced to expand the budgets and afford more resources to the critical stage of implementation. Should

Monday, November 18, 2019

Foreign Trade and Exchange - International Business Essay

Foreign Trade and Exchange - International Business - Essay Example The international foreign trade and exchange has developed to constitute free trade policies, guided by reduction of tariffs and quotas in trade and exchange transactions (Justin 425). In other words, the contribution and evolution of the concepts of Mercantilism, Adam Smith, and Ricardo among others have shaped international business today. Apple, Inc. is primary competitive firm globally. It enjoys an absolute advantage in creating product quality and pricing policies that capture the interests of the market in both domestic and global contexts. This follows the idea that Apple manufactures its products at a competitive low production cost relative to rival firms in the industry. Apple’s comparative advantage emanates from its collaboration with other firms like Google in offering its products and services. In other words, Apple understands that it cannot be self-sufficient in business, thus collaborating with other firms in business terms. Comparative advantage in this regard is more important due to the complementarity it provides, through trade and exchange as opposed to being at an advantage that is based on operational costs off trade and exchange in the market (Justin

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Purpose of Internal Controls

The Purpose of Internal Controls Internal controls are a relevant part of any business. In order for an organization to meet its obligations and be a success it is imperative that it implements controls in an attempt to safeguard its assets, its employee and its continual existence. This paper explains the reasons why internal controls needs to be implemented, present a framework which describes its components and identify entities which foresees that procedures are followed and maintained. Controlling What Happens Robins defend territories as pairs during the breeding season and as individuals during the winter. When dogs find bones, they bury it in a safe place and constantly make sure they are safe at all times. What these animal have in common is their desire to protect their assets and possessions. One of the most important acts a manager can do is to safeguard assets. The main purpose of internal controls is to help the organization to achieve its objectives and to make sure that the business operates as efficiently and as professionally as possible. In order to understand internal controls, it is imperative that one knows what they are, the definition of internal controls, the categories, the components of internal controls as well as the entities that foresee that internal control procedures are followed and maintained. According to â€Å"SEC Proposes Rules on Internal Controls, Ethics Codes and Financial Experts on Audit Committees,† the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants defines internal controls as â€Å"controls that pertain to the preparation of financial statements for external purposes that are fairly presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles as addressed by the Codification of Auditing Standards Section 319 or any superseding definition or other literature that is issued or adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board† ( Haynes and Boone, LLP, 2002). They play a vital role and cannot be omitted from a business. This is because they ensure that employees as well as employers are providing reasonable assertions. In other words, they check the employees and employers actions and thoughts in a way which are meant to promote and better the business by preventing them from doing things their own way, or from robbing the business . They are established by management and they must make sure it is effective. According to R. L. Hurt, the significance of controls cannot be stressed enough, â€Å"In the importance of internal controls managers, stockholders, employees, and other organizational stakeholders want a company to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible, to have financial statements that are reliable, and to make sure their assets are safe† (Hurt, 2008, p.53). They are basically a plan of organization within a business which co-ordinates with all the methods used in the business to safeguard its assets. It further promotes productivity and aids management to hold on to rules and policies of the organization. Internal controls can be classified into two; preventive and detective. The main purpose of preventive controls is to detect errors within or dampen the chances of fraud. According to â€Å"Internal Control Concept and Framework,† preventive control activities â€Å"aim to deter the instance of errors or fraud† (University Of Washington, 2009). This is the most effective control because it checks against fraud, scams and errors before they occur. It is important to note that before it can become effective, it will be necessary to have a strong risk detection system within the organization. Detective controls identify errors or fraudulent activities after they take place. In other words, â€Å"Detective control activities identify undesirable occurrences after the fact† (University Of Washington, 2009). This method can cause problems if the after effect was significant, such as Enron and WorldCom. In such occasions, the most common detective control is reconciliat ion. In an attempt to help businesses and organization improve their internal control systems, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commissions, otherwise known as COSO was formed. COSO is a voluntary private-sector organization and was established in 1985 and consists of a select committee which includes the American Accounting Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Financial Executives International, Institute of Management Accountants and The Institute of Internal Auditors (The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commissions). The main purpose of COSO is to identify actions or activities which influence fraudulent practices in businesses and to identify way of minimizing their occurrences. According to the American Accounting Association, â€Å"COSOs Mission is to provide thought leadership on enterprise risk management, internal control and fraud deterrence designed to improve organizational performance and governance and to reduce the extent of fraud in organizations†(American Accounting Association, 2008, p. 3). In 1992, COSO established an internal control framework which consists of five components and are meant to be integrated within the management process to ensure success. These components consist of control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication and finally monitoring. Control Environment deals with the controllers and leaders of the business or company. In other words, this component talks mainly with management. The whole purpose is to make managers aware that internal controls begin in top management and thus cannot be effective without them playing an integral role in it. According to Lightle, Castellano and Cutting in their article, â€Å"Assessing the Control Environment,† they state that, â€Å"Of the five, the control environment may be the most critical, as well as the most difficult to manage and evaluate effectively† (Lightle, Castellano, Cutting, 2007, p. 52). They further state that â€Å"An effective control environment supports and strengthens the other control elements whereas a weak control environment undermines the other elements, rendering them useless† (p. 51). This environment emphasizes that if controls are not taken seriously by management, employees will also not take it serious. This is the reason why control environment is the backbone of the rest of the controls and without it, implementing ethical values and integrity in employees will be difficult. Risk assessment deals with the processes used to identifying organizational risks and threats within an organization and finding cost effective controls to deal with them. According to AICPA, risk assessment is â€Å"the identification and analysis of relevant risks to achieve the objectives that form the basis to determine how risks should be managed† (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2005). An effective way to make this work is to consider both internal and external aspect of the business before it can be successful to its highest capacity. According to Sarbanes-Oxley, an â€Å"effective risk assessment requires; definition of the objectives, determination of the compatibility of the objectives, identification of risks to achieving the objectives, determination of risks associated with change, judgment as to which risks are critical and determination of actions to mitigate risks starting with the critical ones† (Walz, 2008). The third internal control framework of COSO is control activities. This component deals with the actions or actual controls executed in response to the information acquired from an effective risk assessment. They are the actual policies and procedures such as authorizations and approvals which aid management in making sure that organizational objectives are achievable. Information and communication is another important part of business which cannot be overlooked. This is because the process and what information is passed on can cause a lot of problems within the organization. It is imperative that the information flows is as accurate in the organization as possible in a way that ensures the right message is sent to the right person with the right encoding and the receiver has no problem in deciphering it. Effective information and communication helps in minimizing control risks and is directed mainly to employees to be responsible and careful in how they deal with sending and receiving information. In summary, the information and communication component aims in improving or maintaining quality and efficiency in communication within the organization. Unfortunately, some businesses are too big to accommodate any significant control process. According to â€Å"Effective Internal Control Systems Are Key to Ensuring Compliance†, â€Å"Informatio n and communication are the identification, capture, and exchange of information in a form and time frame that enable people to carry out their responsibilities† (Gundling, 2003). Monitoring is the final component of the COSO framework. It deals mainly with the evaluation and assessment of the organizations system of controls. It basically looks as the operations of an organization over a period of time to evaluate whether their objectives are being accomplished. So in effect, it is imperative that management assesses their internal control system to make sure that they are acquiescent to the organizations standard of controlling risks. According to â€Å"COSO Document Covers Internal Control Monitoring†, â€Å"COSO Document Covers Internal Control Monitoring,† he states that effective monitoring occurs by â€Å"establishing a foundation for monitoring, designing and executing monitoring procedures that are prioritized based on risk and reporting the results of monitoring to the appropriate level† (McCollum, 2008). A good way to ensure monitoring is used in its most effective way is to ensure that there are people who are qualified or have gone through training in that field and can ensure that the process it taken the tight way. This is because if management does not fully comprehend its importance the whole process could fall apart. One important aspect of monitoring is that the process should be taken serious and that risks discovered during that period should be directed to the relevant staff for corrective measures. Because of the extreme impact of the scandals that Enron and WoldCom brought into the business field, there have been entities which have been placed into the business field to prevent these fraudulent activities from occurring, one of these is the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. According to† Making compliance effective,† the act â€Å"was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush in large part because of the spectacular failures of Enron, WorldCom and other public companies† (Engle, 2009). Understanding the importance of internal controls can be difficult to comprehend. However the consequences of not adhering them are tougher to deal with. This can be seen by the utter chaos Enron and WorldCom have caused. Without controls goals and assets will be lost and operations will be terminated prematurely. Without internal controls, soon there will be no business. References Haynes and Boone, LLP, (2002). SEC Proposes Rules on Internal Controls, Ethics Codes and Financial Experts on Audit Committees. World Services Group, Retrieved from Hurt, R. L. (2008). Accounting Information Systems: Basic Concepts Current Issues. New York: McGraw-Hill. University Of Washington, (2009, July 16). Internal Control Concept and Framework. Retrieved from The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commissions, Initials. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved from American Accounting Association, (2008, April, 1). Mission and operating policies. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations, Retrieved 09/07/2009, from Lightle, S., Castellano, J., Cutting, B. (2007, December). Assessing the control environment. Internal Auditor, 64(6), 51-56. Retrieved 09/07/2009, from Business Source Complete database. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (2005). Internal control: a tool for the audit committee. Retrieved 09/07/2009, from American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Web site: Walz, John (2008, April 11). Retrieved 09/07/2009, from Table Comparing COSO and ISO 9001 Web site: Gundling, Richard L. (2003, October). Effective internal control systems are key to ensuring compliance. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 2, Retrieved 09/07/2009, from McCollum, T (2008, August). COSO Document Covers Internal Control Monitoring. Internal Auditor, [65(4)], [13-14, 2]. Engle, Paul. (2009). Making compliance effective. Industrial Engineer: IE, 41(8), Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Power of Carvers Little Things Essay examples -- Carver Little Th

The Power of Carver's Little Things      Ã‚   To a reader unfamiliar with his work, Raymond Carver's short story, "Little Things" may seem devoid of all literary devices owning to good writing. Fortunately, these people are mistaken. With his minimalistic style, it is what Carver doesn't write that makes his work so effective. Most of Carver's short stories describe situations that many people could find themselves in and that is why his work is so appealing to readers. They are not restricted to harsh explicative details or over-dramatized language, but are allowed to create their own rationale for the actions of the characters and the consequent results.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Little Things" begins with an explanation of the setting when Carver writes, "Cars slushed by on the streets outside, where it was getting dark. But it was getting dark on the inside too." This is the most descriptive passage in the entire story, which is only one-and-a-half pages in length, and it serves to set a mood of bleakness and animosity between the characters as well as the remainder of the piece. A scene follows in which a man is packing a suitcase and a woman is telling him she is glad he is leaving. Carver goes so far as to omit the characters' names, allowing the reader to more clearly identify with their struggle. One of the major turning points is a dozen lines into the story when the woman notices a picture of their baby and remembers it, forsaken, in the living room. The reader is compelled to ask if she had not remembered the baby at that moment would the rest of the scene have progressed in the same way? The man then follows the woman into the living room and tells her he wants the baby. This she can not allow as she turns away f... ...his own struggle with alcohol and personal strife. Regardless of the origin of the words, they force the reader to take a compelling look into his own life. Carson said that, in many ways, Carver's life was a model for all of his characters. But Carver forces readers to use their own lives as the foundation of the interpretation of the story, allowing them to relate to the characters and events themselves.    Works Cited Carson, Phillip. "Carver's Vision". (200). Online. Internet. 12 Feb. 2003. Available: Carver, Raymond. Where I'm calling From. "Little things." (1988, Atlantic Monthly Press). 114. Hashimoto, Hiromi. "Trying to Understand Raymond carver's Revisions." Tokai English Review. (Dec. 1995). Online. Internet. 12 Feb. 2003. Available:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ The Power of Carver's Little Things Essay examples -- Carver Little Th The Power of Carver's Little Things      Ã‚   To a reader unfamiliar with his work, Raymond Carver's short story, "Little Things" may seem devoid of all literary devices owning to good writing. Fortunately, these people are mistaken. With his minimalistic style, it is what Carver doesn't write that makes his work so effective. Most of Carver's short stories describe situations that many people could find themselves in and that is why his work is so appealing to readers. They are not restricted to harsh explicative details or over-dramatized language, but are allowed to create their own rationale for the actions of the characters and the consequent results.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Little Things" begins with an explanation of the setting when Carver writes, "Cars slushed by on the streets outside, where it was getting dark. But it was getting dark on the inside too." This is the most descriptive passage in the entire story, which is only one-and-a-half pages in length, and it serves to set a mood of bleakness and animosity between the characters as well as the remainder of the piece. A scene follows in which a man is packing a suitcase and a woman is telling him she is glad he is leaving. Carver goes so far as to omit the characters' names, allowing the reader to more clearly identify with their struggle. One of the major turning points is a dozen lines into the story when the woman notices a picture of their baby and remembers it, forsaken, in the living room. The reader is compelled to ask if she had not remembered the baby at that moment would the rest of the scene have progressed in the same way? The man then follows the woman into the living room and tells her he wants the baby. This she can not allow as she turns away f... ...his own struggle with alcohol and personal strife. Regardless of the origin of the words, they force the reader to take a compelling look into his own life. Carson said that, in many ways, Carver's life was a model for all of his characters. But Carver forces readers to use their own lives as the foundation of the interpretation of the story, allowing them to relate to the characters and events themselves.    Works Cited Carson, Phillip. "Carver's Vision". (200). Online. Internet. 12 Feb. 2003. Available: Carver, Raymond. Where I'm calling From. "Little things." (1988, Atlantic Monthly Press). 114. Hashimoto, Hiromi. "Trying to Understand Raymond carver's Revisions." Tokai English Review. (Dec. 1995). Online. Internet. 12 Feb. 2003. Available:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Monday, November 11, 2019

Discuss the Presentation of the American Dream in John Steinbeck’s Novel, “Of Mice and Men” Essay

â€Å"The American Dream†, the leap from â€Å"rags to riches†, is a dream that has always been thought of as achievable through hard work. To achieve the American dream you must leave all you have and be willing to give up everything for excitement, adventure and a better life. It is a romantic view of life where someone can leave his or her troubles behind and find happiness. The concept of the American Dream is often viewed in conjunction with the Western Frontier. For many years, America was a country with a frontier. Early colonisation took place on the East Coast and the frontier played a pivotal role in American thinking where it stood as a boundary beyond which civilisation ceased to exist. Beyond the frontier lay many miles of land, which was for the taking, and a life of excitement and adventure, where men could have free of the cares of urban or modern life. People rarely took advantage what the frontier lands had to offer, but it acted as a safety valve as people felt they could follow the American Dream if they wanted. The Dream and the frontier could be referred to in any time of need for Americans. Many authors have explored the concept of the American dream in their work, including John Steinbeck. I am going to explore how Steinbeck has presented the American dream in the novel, â€Å"Of Mice and Men†. The novel is set in the great depression of the 1930’s. At this time, the country’s economy was going through a severe drop and thousands found themselves with nothing. Many looked to the American Dream and a vision of the western frontier, as a means for a better life. The novel represents a microcosm of America at this time, with various characters representing a different group of people in the time of the American depression. In the main body of this essay I will study the dreams of George and Lennie, Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife and how they are employed in the Novel, â€Å"of Mice and Men†. I will explore the functions and general roles that these dreams play to the people concerned. Finally I shall study how and why these dreams go wrong. George Milton and Lennie Small are the main protagonists in the novel, and share the main dream. It is a typical itinerant worker’s dream, where a man can follow the American dream and buy some land to live on and be his own boss. It is a dream focusing on living for oneself as Lennie says, â€Å"An’ live off the fatta the lan'†. The dream is of ten acres of land with a house. Here they can grow what they need to survive with a â€Å"vegetable patch and a rabbit hutch and chickens†. This dream would mean they only worked when they wanted to, giving them independence and in general a variable life. This would mean small advantages like not working if the weather wasn’t nice enough or â€Å"if a fren’ came along†¦ we’d say: â€Å"Why don’t you spen’ the night,† an’ by God he would†. The dream offers freedom from the life they know. They could leave all their troubles behind and start out fresh usin g the money they worked for. It gives them pride to think they can do it, and became members of the owners. For George and Lennie, the dream has many features of appeal. The first is that they can reap the fruits of their own labour. This is an ancient, biblical notion where in the Bible it states â€Å"as yes shall reap, so shall ye sow†. This is honest and humble living. The dream offers autonomy and also self-control linking to freedom and the ambition of the self made man, as George says, â€Å"we’d have our own place where we belonged†. The men will feel they belong there as they have environmental ownership so the dream also offers long-term security, â€Å"it would be our own, and nobody could can us†. This means financial security as well as social security, as Lennie can be controlled as George has appointed him to look after the rabbits. Society doesn’t know how to control someone like Lennie, and keeping him isolated and protected will keep him safe. As they consider the dream, they live in a bunkhouse with six other men, and so the dream presents privacy. Overall there would be a role reversal as George and Lennie could control and put limits on manual labour of their own, â€Å"If we don’t like a guy we can say: â€Å"Get the hell out†. They could also have the ability to form relationships and put down solid roots, as they would be stationery, rather than moving around all the time. On the ranch, Crooks and Candy are the only permanent workers and they don’t have any relationships: after all the ranch is a lonely place, and all other men come and go. The dream serves many functions. It doesn’t seem plausible at many points in the novel and we never really feel that it can happen but it’s the thought that it could which directs the way many of the characters think. The dream is a comfort and boosts the morale of George and Lennie when they need solace. Ironically at times when they most need it in this respect, it seems furthest away. The dream is a way to make life more variable and in doing so more bearable: their current lives are all very scheduled. One of the most important roles of the dream in the lives of Lennie and George is that it is used as a tool to keep Lennie under control. Lennie’s focus throughout the novel is on tending the rabbits. For Lennie as a character, the dream represents a place of safety. George uses the story like a bedtime story for Lennie. It’s like a fairy tale showing how subconsciously at least, the dream isn’t feasible. To the shrewd reader, the dream is never presented as realistic. At face value the reader’s mind is guided by the opinion of George and the structure of the novel: whenever the dream seems plausible, something happens to halt it. Conflicts are continuously brewing and it appears impossible for the dream to realise itself as Lennie’s behaviour threatens it at all times. George describes Lennie continuously as a â€Å"liability†. There is constant evidence of this that structurally point forward to Lennie’s behaviour causing the dream to end. Firstly, George tells the story of Weed where Lennie caused trouble when he didn’t mean any harm, and we actually witness Lennie’s liability when we see he has killed the puppy, again when he didn’t mean to. His overwhelming strength is often described as animalistic. The animal imagery used to describe him represents how he is simply not human, and more importantly he is below. His actions are all instinctive with images of his clutch like a â€Å"bear†. Another aspect of Lennie’s character is that he poses such strength and can never be contained because as Slim says, â€Å"he’s like a child, ain’t he†. Lennie is too often underestimated, and George is often seen as culpable as he is the one that underestimates his potential for destruction most. George often turns a blind eye to Lennie’s problems due to the nature of their relationship: it is a rare strong bond of companionship with mutual gain: â€Å"I got you to look after me and you got me to look after you†. The reader is directed by George’s language. His words are always rhythmic and show that subconsciously he doesn’t ever believe in it. Even when it appears they are close to the dream his words have a negative undertone, suggesting the dream is a long way away; â€Å"the future cats which might dare to disturb the future rabbits†. We hear from George at numerous points in the novel of the counter dream. It is the idea that he could live a normal life without the burden of Lennie. This would include making money then blowing it immediately on short, immoral pleasures. The continuous mention of the counter dream shows us a reality rather than a dream that is lived by many of the men. It is just another reminder of how unrealistic the dream is. The ending of the novel consists of the inevitable shattering of the dream. Lennie is eventually killed by George with the same gun that killed Candy’s dog and in the same way, for the same sort of reasons; society can’t deal with certain members. Directly foreboding aspects point forward to the death of the dream. In particular, is the figure of Curley’s Wife with her protective violent husband. Her loneliness caused her to be an underlying problem throughout the novel and her death physically signified the death of the dream because it signified the death of Lennie. This is because the dream could not exist without both George and Lennie due to their long emotional bond. It is a relationship of mutual gain and among other things, both men have companionship unlike any other on the ranch. Without this, George particularly, would live out the counter dream. The novel is circular as suggested in the title which comes from a Burns poem: â€Å"The best laid plans o’mice and men†¦ leave us nought but grief and pain†. At the beginning of the Novel, George makes Lennie remember where to run to if he gets in trouble. Therefore, we know that the novel will come full circle due to Lennie’s behaviour. This is such a problem because society doesn’t know how to deal with the insane, and as Slim comments, the only way society knows how to deal with people like Lennie, â€Å"That ain’t no good†. Therefore what shatters the dream, is Lennie’s death due to Lennie’s character and also subsequently the men’s reactions. All of the men underestimate Lennie’s control over himself including the â€Å"god-like† Slim who says, â€Å"He ain’t a mean guy†. Because he’s underestimated, he can never learn and never has done. Even when he murders Curley’s wife, he thinks he should hide the puppy, which he previously killed. George kills Lennie but leaves in his mind the thought that the dream will still come true, â€Å"You†¦ an’ me.† This means that the dream is never really shattered for Lennie. For George, there is nothing left, and the dream is destroyed, with George only left with the counter dream. Candy becomes caught up with the main dream. It should be noted that it is not his dream so it’s hard to feel that he could ever feel the same way about it as George and Lennie. At the time, Candy had become completely alone, as Carlson had shot his dog, his only companion. Candy felt he should have been the one to shoot the dog, â€Å"I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog†. He is therefore emotionally unstable as he feels he has nothing left. Candy builds up courage to ask if he can be apart of the dream, â€Å"S’pose I went in with you guys†. His offer is a suggestion, but as it is of financial backing it is too great for George to resist. There are many features of appeal for Candy apart from the features he shares that George and Lennie will gain. The land offers Candy a place of safety like for Lennie. But unlike Lennie, Candy’s safety is in retirement. The land will be a peaceful place to live after his retirement. He knows that when he stops swamping he will be â€Å"canned†, just like how his dog was shot. But the dream has other features of appeal for Candy. It gives him a sense of self-respect and dignity. Being thrown out with nothing would kill his self esteem at the end of his life, but owning his own land would restore his confidence in himself so he could die a happy man. The last main feature of appeal for Candy is companionship. He always has people around him on the ranch but because he’s permanent and all the others aren’t, Candy never really gains their friendship. Owning the land with George and Lennie would mean he has people to spend the end of his life with: â€Å"I’d make a will an’ leave my share to you guys†. This is obvious but the fact that he has no one else he could give the money to is proof of his loneliness, a key theme of this novel. Candy’s involvement in the dream no doubt gives it a more realistic dimension. The fact that George’s â€Å"eyes were full of wonder† when Candy becomes involved suggests is more realistic. The time scale involved until the dream’s completion has been decreased and it is in the near future. The problem of Lennie not being able to be kept under control was seemingly dealt with, as Candy ands Lennie could move on to the land and set up the farm whilst George works for the rest of the money needed. It seems as if the dream is very likely, however, we find that the time scale to get the land is a month. This doesn’t seem a long time, but we know there’s no way Lennie can be kept under control for a whole month. Evidence of this is his behaviour in Weed. Therefore, although Candy’s involvement makes the dream much more realistic, it still isn’t really plausible. Candy is the first to discover the body of Curley’s Wife. Subconsciously he is the one that first knows the end of his dream is nigh, â€Å"his face was hard and tight as wood†. When he looks for confirmation he speaks â€Å"his greatest fear†. Candy â€Å"dropped his head† showing how he has been defeated and destroyed psychologically and spiritually. The reader already knows the implications that this has for his future. Indeed, the issue of Candy raises the idea of protest against the treatment of the elderly in the microcosm of the ranch, which represents the bigger macrocosm that is 1930’s America. At this time the elderly were not treated very well, and in the position in which Candy stands, as he grows too old to work, he’ll be â€Å"canned† and will have nothing, not even companionship. We know that Candy will suffer this utilitarian view, suffering the same fate as his dog. Crooks has a cynical view of the dream, he thinks it’s â€Å"crazy†. He says, â€Å"†You’re nuts† Crooks was scornful, â€Å"I seen hundreds of men come by and they all got that same damn thing in their heads.†Ã¢â‚¬  It’s clear that his view has developed over time, as Crooks is one of only two men on the ranch that are permanent. The scornful view is also linked to his bitterness; you get a sense that Crooks doesn’t want people to succeed due to his hard life and his own limited destiny as a black man. He’s always studying his rights as a black man, as seen by the â€Å"mauled copy of the California civil code†. He remembers when he lived on his father’s own land and he had equality in his once innocent mind when he was a child. Now, in his own words, â€Å"If I say something, why it’s just a nigger saying it†. Another issue for Crooks is that he’s living in such a racist time in history, that he suffers severely from loneliness. He’s surrounded by men crippled in some way by society, and he is himself physically crippled, yet he must tend to his own injuries, constantly rubbing ointment into his back. He’s constantly segregated, living in an annex of barn, in a room littered with broken imagery, â€Å"broken harness†¦ a split collar†. He always tries to retain pride, â€Å"he kept his distance and demanded that other people kept theirs†. The truth is that he’s forced to be separated from the other men. It’s these social boundaries that have kept Crooks lonely throughout his life; the way Candy has to break through an emotional threshold to walk into Crooks’ room gives a very small implication that the two â€Å"permanent† men could possibly have been companions in different circumstances. Crooks has suffered so much in his life, that he has no capacity to dream left as he speaks of the al the men he has seen speaking of the same dream of land waiting for them â€Å"Just like heaven†. This biblical imagery refers to how Crooks feels that there is no such thing as paradise; only suffering exists. Despite his deeply negative view of the dream, even Crooks becomes caught up in it. The fact that the cynic is converted directs the reader to once again thinking the dream is possible. The dream has so many features of appeal for Crooks that he cannot help but believe in it. After all he believes he has rights as he studies and speaks of them constantly. The dream would give him rights in many ways, socially and economically. It would give him companionship, something denied to him due to social boundaries. He thirsts for companionship as we see when Candy enters his room; â€Å"It was difficult for Crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger†. The dream offers Crooks many similar aspects as it offers Candy. Safety is one of these. Like Candy, Crooks is crippled and getting older so the dream will give him security when the time where he won’t be able to work will come. The dream will thereafter offer a peaceful resting place after his retirement. One reason why Crooks is so focused on his rights is that rights will give him dignity and a sense of self-respect. He is described as a â€Å"a proud, aloof man† yet in society he has no dignity as he has no rights. The dream will offer him rights in the society that he will be in. The social boundaries are so strong that, as Candy says, â€Å"I been here a long time†¦ an’ Crooks been here a long time. This’s the first time I ever been in his room†. Crooks must therefore be very brave, forgetting the pride he uses as a defence mechanism, to ask if he could be a part of the dream. He knew he was open to rejection yet he has such a huge belief that he could have a better life, that he chooses to risk his proud appearance, the only thing he possesses. It is inevitable that the dream will be shattered for Crooks, as things will never change. When Curley’s Wife enters, the reader’s faith is structurally restored yet trouble appears. Curley’s Wife makes a shrewd observation, â€Å"They left all the weak ones here†. By this she is referring to their relative weakness within the capitalist society. A white woman, especially with the power of being the boss’s daughter in law, would be stronger than a black man, which means Crooks’ dream is bound to be shattered. This is exaggerated by the way Curley’s wife appears to be looking for trouble and then shrugs off Crooks, as â€Å"nigger† whom she threatens to have lynched. â€Å"Crooks had retired into the terrible protective dignity of the Negro† as he always knows that he is powerless. It’s ironic that although Curley’s Wife has more power than Crooks, they are both powerless in their own situations. â€Å"Crooks seemed to grow smaller, and he pressed himself against the wall†. The body language he expresses shows he is humiliated and deflated. His language becomes the deferential kind of a servant: â€Å"Yes, ma’am†. Crooks symbolises the position of blacks in the Novel, which is a macrocosm of 1930’s America. They were nothing, â€Å"Crooks had reduced himself to nothing† and his voice had become â€Å"toneless†. Things cannot change and will not change for Crooks no matter what he does, until society’s opinions towards blacks change. Thus Chapter Four begins and ends with Crooks â€Å"rubbing his back†. The dream has come full circle. In Chapter Five we finally hear Curley’s Wife’s story and her own dream. Up until this point, she is viewed by the reader through the eyes of the men on the ranch. The result of this is that the reader is directed to build up a certain opinion of her that we later find to be distorted. Her behaviour is symptomatic of her loneliness. When we see her for the person she has become, we hear her own dream. It consists of fame and glamour and all privileges that accompany it. She says she â€Å"coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes†. She dreams of looking the part and living the lifestyle of all areas of the media. She wants to sit â€Å"in them big hotels, an’ had pitchers took of me†. This shows how she wants to have people know who she is and that she wants to feel she is loved. Her dream is in moral contrast to the humble dream of the men, supporting the capitalist society that the men wish to escape from and focusing on material aspects of life. It represents an idea of rags to riches, a concept lying within the American dream, but there is a contrast in the perception of â€Å"riches†. Curley’s Wife’s dream is superficial and artificial, promoting the capitalist machine. Her dream offers an easy lifestyle lacking self-effort but still achieving wealth. It lacks moral depth. Fundamentally she desires attention and longs to be in the public eye. She’s always looking for attention and company in general by the way she comes looking for the men, as well as how she talks quickly for fear of loosing her audience. We do not criticise Curley’s Wife for her dream as we see what it promises her, but we still condemn the dream. She is young and uneducated but the dream is still shallow. In realism, forgetting Curley’s Wife, the dream of Hollywood is unrealistic, after all there are many that share the dream and the vast majority don’t make it. Curley’s Wife is unsure herself if she believes in it. You feel that she is very insecure, as she seems to feel the dream is impossible for her by the use of the word â€Å"coulda† but she still tries to live her dream in her situation seen by the way she â€Å"made a small grand gesture†. This shows much pathos and poignancy especially when she says â€Å"Maybe I will yet† as the irony lies in the fact that her impending death is very near. In her own story we see Steinbeck making protest against the treatment of women. She was obviously used with the temptation of living her dream. She was told that she received a letter and when she didn’t she blamed her mother. This was a scapegoat as was marrying Curley who she admits â€Å"I don’ like Curley. He aint a nice fella.† The dream is really an escape from her unhappy life and lacks sincerity. Curley’s Wife’s dream is shattered in her restricted lifestyle and finally in her death. Her death ironically frees her from the cycle she has developed, whereby she tries to escape from her life. The manner of her final escape is therefore poignant and we finally see her for who she really is an innocent young girl: â€Å"She was pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young†. Steinbeck must step in here and portray her in this way because her previous appearance would suggest otherwise. She is seen before through the eyes of the men who use only derogatory terms to describe her such as â€Å"jail bate† and â€Å"tart†. The question remains as to whether to condone or condemn her. Steinbeck steps in to direct us to sympathise with her in case we may have already condemned her. The protest is made by the author against the treatment of women at the time and shows that this along with the resulting characteristics it develops, is a repeating cycle of action then reaction. Steinbeck does more than present dreams; he shows how they are smashed and disintegrated. So does this mean that â€Å"Of Mice and Men† is a pessimistic book? In my opinion, it does not. Dreams are inevitably smashed, or rather; this does not deprive them of value. More importantly the novel raises the issue that American society of the 1930’s was problematic and in some ways corrupt: it represents real groups of people who lead pessimistic lives. At this time in American history, America was suffering depression so the country would be split into optimists and pessimists. In my opinion, Steinbeck is saying that it is hard to reach the dream. Having a burden like Lennie is an extreme of the problems the road to the dream poses. However, it must be remembered that Lennie was half of the reason that the dream was even thought about. Steinbeck is making a statement that the American dream is a goal, and whether it is achievable or not, it is very good incentive for the cap acity to hope and inspire.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nursing Shortage Problem

Nursing Shortage Problem Introduction Nursing shortage is a problem that is encountered by most of the healthcare providing institutions in many nations. It refers to a state where nursing professionals’ demand is higher than the number that is supplied to an institution. The role of nurses in health institutions is vital and cannot be assumed. This is because of crucial services they offer to patients.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Shortage Problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is through nurses that clients gain or lose trust of health services provided by any health institution. This means that the services of nurses is so crucial that anything that may hinder or make them compromise safety of patients should be eradicated. However, it is equally important to ensure that nurses’ workload is not too much for them to bear. This is to mean that for delivery of effective health care to patients, the right number of nurses should always be maintained in an organization. Just like in many countries, in United States, only the registered and licensed nurses can offer health care services in healthcare institutions. Currently the State is facing a problem of nursing shortage. There is a rising demand for nurses in many health institutions in United State, an issue that require to be addressed. Failure to address this issue in time may make nurses to compromise health status of patients in many hospitals. Several factors have led to shortage of nurses across nations. These factors include education systems that do not favor enrollment of nursing as a career and governmental or organization’s policy among others. Method of Obtaining Necessary Approval The organization’ leadership To win approval of organization’s leadership in addressing the issue require presentation of health facts related to nursing shortage in the institution. The statistics of health status and provision and its relationship of nursing shortage in the organization can provide a valid basis for the management to raise concern and approve the proposal. These statistics will provide the recommended workforce for each nurse. It will equally show the effects of shortage of nurses in this organization in relation to the workload of each nurse. This information will convince the organization’s leadership as to why they need to approve the proposal. Fellow staff members One of the best ways to get support and approval from fellow staff member is by unveiling the truth of the matter in this organization. This can be done by asking them some relevant questions concerning their workload in general and the effectiveness of the services they render to patients. By doing so, the staff will be a position to get the facts.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The organization may for example reflect on the ratio of patients that die to the ratio of those that survive in every 500 patients. In 2005, out of every 500 patients, only five would die and 495 patients would survive in this firm. Since the shortage of nurses’ problem arose, the healthcare is deteriorating each year.   In the year 2010, out of every 500 patients, statistics show that 10 patients died and 490 survived. It also shows that the workload for each nurse has tremendously increased with the increase of overtime working hours and the quality of services provided has generally decreased to a point of making many clients to lose trust with the services rendered by this firm. This is a clear indicator of how nursing shortage problem has affected the institution and why there is a need of fellow staff members to approve and provide necessary support towards the proposal. Description of Current Problem, Issue, or Deficit Requiring a Change The policy of every health care organization shou ld be drawn with a lot of consideration on issues that arise on daily basis and several other possible factors should as well be keenly considered. According to the policy of this organization, it is stated that a specific number of new nurses should be employed every financial year. However, this policy did not consider cases that arise and cause shortage of nurses in the institution, hence, affects the quality of health provision in this institution. Some of these cases include death of some of the nurses, transfers, firing and aging cases of others. All these cases constantly occur in this institution with no replacement of such nurses until another financial year. This leads to continuous shortage of nurses in this organization, a deficit that is not covered even by the subsequent employment of nurses, as the number employed does not include those fired, dead, transferred, or aged. Detailed Explanation of Proposed Solution To solve the problem of shortage of nurses in this insti tution, there is a need for leadership management to revise the policy and make any necessary adjustments. In this policy, the recommended workload for each nurse should be clearly defined and followed strictly. The issue of employing nurses at the end of every financial year also requires some adjustments. It should allow a room for frequent replacement of the nurses that die, those transferred, aging and those that are fired within the course of the year. This way, the organization will be in a position to solve the problem of shortage of nurses and avoid overworking them for provision of quality healthcare services to its clients.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Shortage Problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Having enough nurses will also help the management monitor carefully the work of every nurse. This is because the management can be able to assign nurses to various and specific wards or other area s for easy monitoring. Rationale for Selecting Proposed Solution Selecting the proposed solution was because it is the only way to provide a lasting solution to nursing shortage, improve the deteriorating healthcare in this institution, and hence restore the lost trust of clients with the organization. It will also reduce relieve nurses from being overworked to enable them deliver efficient and effective healthcare services to the patients. By so doing, health safety of patients will not be compromised. Mortality rate will reduce greatly as nurses will be enough to attend to every patient at a convenient time and in an effective manner.  The module clearly describes the problem of nursing shortage. It states how this problem affects the general population in United States. It explains some of the factors that lead to nursing shortage that needs to be addressed to solve this problem. In addition to enhancing favorable education system to nursing, the module states what nursing admi nistration and policy makers have to do in addressing the issue of nursing shortage in United States. The article explains that that the aging nurses reduces the total workforce each year. This means that there is need for an organization to replace constantly the aging nurses to avoid insufficiency of nurses in a medical institution. Description of Implementation Logistics The implementation of the change and its integration to the organizational structure should be implemented as soon as the report is approved. The integration can be done by making necessary amendments to the organizational structure and hiring the needed number of nurses to meet the demanded number. Both the top management and the middle level management will spearhead the whole implementation process. They are in the best position of initiating change in this organization, train the incoming and the continuing nursing staff and to ensure that the implementation process is has taken place successfully and suits w ell in the culture and workflow of the organization. It is also important for the management of this organization to collaborate with policy makers and other health providers in amendment of any unfavorable nursing policies.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Resources Required for Implementation The main resources in the implementation of this proposal are finances and the human resource. Funds will aid in publishing the materials for advertisement on recruitment of nurses. These materials may include posters, pamphlets among others. Finances will also help the organization to use like television media for wide spread of the information on the same in order to have many nurses getting the information for application. Human resource is needed in the form of the interviewing panel to choose the most qualified and competent team for nursing positions. In carrying out the interview, funds will be required in providing the necessary materials for the same. Funds will also be needed to print and make copies to enhance the training sessions for the successfully recruited nurses and for other necessities in incorporation of the change in the work structure of this organization.